
Sales and marketing apprentices

Sales and marketing apprentices
Malin Patel

Safe Space Talent

Enquire now

The Safe Space Way is a unique approach to finding, recruiting and training the best talent across several areas, including marketing, sales, data and management.

To be considered as an apprentice you will need to be:

  • 16  to 64 years old
  • Can be graduates, experienced hires etc
  • Haven't studied that specific content before
  • Working a minimum of 30 hours per week

Eligibility requirements

​​​​​Organisation requirements:

  • Registered business/charity
  • PAYE setup
  • Employers liability insurance
  • Commitment to give apprentice time to train and study whilst working
  • Age: 18 to over 60
  • Ethnicity: None
  • Gender: None
  • Disability: Not applicable

Malin Patel

Safe Space Talent

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